
UNIT 1. What is semantics?How can meaning be communicated?The study of meaning in general is carried out by semiotics. Semiotics: Studies hoy ‘signs’ mean, how we can make one thing stand foranother.A three-way distinction: Icon: A relation of similarity between the sign and what it represents (e.g. a portraitof a person) Index: A cause-effect relationship, contiguity in space or time (e.g. smoke and fire) Symbol: An arbitrary, conventional relationship between sign and meaning (e.g.red flag and danger)How is meaning communicated through language?Phonology Phonosemantics (or sound symbolism): A non-arbitrary connection betweensound and meaning or ‘words that sound like what they mean’.Another example of relationship between sound and meaning Onomatopeia (bow-wow for the barking of a dog) Phonestesia (the sound of the word remind us of the action/object > ‘crack’) Phonestemes (an association of certain sounds combination with a givenmeaning in a rather random way > ‘gl’ with verbs related to light ‘gleam’, ‘glitter’,‘glow’)Morphology Inflectional morphemes: Do not change the grammatical category of the stem(dog + s = dogs, still a noun)- Plurality, Possession, Gender, Size, Tense, Person and number, Aspect Derivational morphemes: Change the category of the stem; sometimes they maynot change the category of the word but alter its meaning in a significant way-er, -less, -al, -ation, -ness, -ian, -ly, -able, -ful, -ologyVista previadel documento.Mostrando 6 páginas de 14
Lexicon Open-class words: Noun, adjectives, verbs, adverbs.- Most neologisms are open-class words (app, spam, Google, balconing...)- Prepositions may contain open-class words (in front of, in addition to...) Closed-class words: Prepositions, determiners, conjunctionsSyntax Syntactic bootstrapping: Phenomenon by which children use syntacticinformation to infer the meaning of unknown words.UNIT 2. Analysing Meaning: Some methods Summary of problems of binary semantic features- There are many words that cannot be easily analysed with this method- Semantic feature analyses are sensitive to the subjectivity of the analyst- There are meaning ‘residues’ that cannot be analysed- It’s difficult to agree on what a semantic feature should be- They cannot capture imagistic information Vectorial semantics: a method that derives the meaning of the co-occurrencesof a word in statistic terms LSA: Latent Semantic Analysis Psycholinguistic methods- Online measures: participants are actively processing the experimentalstimuli (lexical decisions tasks, naming tasks and reading times)- Offline measures: based on the information that can be collected once theprocessing of the stimuli has been completed (feature listing) Priming: The participants are presented with a string of letters on a computerscreen and they have to decide as quickly as possible whether they correspond toa word in their language or not, typically by pressing a key. Saccade: Rapid eye movements we performEvent-Related Potentials (ERP)- Several ‘peaks’ in the waveform P600 (positive): has to do with syntactic/grammatical alterations N400 (negative): has to do with semantic anomaliesVista previadel documento.Mostrando 6 páginas de 14
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): hemodynamic method > tells us thespecific brain are that is being activated thanks to the blood flawUNIT 3. Language and ThoughtTwo opposing views: Formal semantics (symbolic or amodal view): tries to describe the meaning oflanguages using the descriptive logic; it started with Aristotle until Tarski Embodied semantics (cognitive view): does not consider the logical structure oflanguage to be important for the description of the meaning in language and tendsto disregard notions as truth valuesThe Formal Approach: Meaning as Amodal symbols- Truth-condition: You have to know which conditions must obtain in the world for asentence to be trueThe Language of Thought Hypothesis (Jerry Fodor): The complementary idea that saysthat thought must be basically ‘language-like’. What we actually do is translate the wordswe hear into an internal language of thought > mentaleseGlenberg’s Indexical Hypothesis: Meaning is mainly based on action and that peopleunderstand language by simulating the actions described in phrases and sentences. It relies on the notion of affordance, which are the possible actions that a givenobject offers to a given organism.UNIT 4. Word meaning Reference: The act that speakers carry out when they pick out objects (thereferent) in the world by using words; it can be variable depending on context, user,etc. Denotation: The relationship between a word and the objects out in the world; itis stable and not user-dependent Extension: The set of all objects in the world that can be picked out by a wordVista previadel documento.Mostrando 6 páginas de 14
Generic, Indefinite and Specific Reference Generic refers to a category (e.g. chair) Specific refers to a particular object (e.g. this chair) Indefinite refers to one instance in the category Sense: Two expressions could have one and the same reference and yet have adifferent meaning; the sense is related to two different things: 1) its relation toother words in the system, 2) our knowledge of the word itself Intension (very similar to sense): Set of properties shared by all members of itsextensionClassical view of categories:a) There is a fixed set of necessary and sufficient conditions defining the membership toeach categoryb) All members of a category have equal statusc) All non-members of a category have equal statusd) All necessary and sufficient features defining a category have equal statuse) Categories have clear and well defined boundariesA new view of categories Wittgenstein’s notion of family resemblance Labov: context affect the way in which we categorize objectsHedges/Hedging constructions: are the ways languages have to allow speakers toindicate whether an expression is to be construed as a central/prototypical member of acategory, or as a more peripheral one.Some characteristics of the Prototypical Approach: The prototype is the best example of a category. It is the member that is judged asthe most representative of the category. Categories have a graded structure. Members of a category are more or lesscentral depending on their similarity to the prototype; category membership is thusa matter of degree. Fuzzy boundaries. Categories do not have clear boundaries.Vista previadel documento.Mostrando 6 páginas de 14
There is no set of necessary and sufficient conditions. Not all members can bedefined by the same set of conditions; central examples share more features withthe rest that peripheral members. Cue validity. When the presence of a feature makes it very probable that theexemplar belongs to the category, that feature has a high cue validity.Category and ConceptBarsalou thinks that all the information that we have about a concept forms ourcategorical information and that notion of concept are the elements that become activein a given context.Barsalou also uses ad-hoc categories: categories that are not very well established inlong-term memory and they are created on-line for a specific purpose (e.g. Things to putin a suitcase for a one-week stay at the beach or Things that you would take out of yourhouse in case of fire)Connotation and DenotationReference and sense have their related notions, another notion can be added: Denotation: equated with reference and extension - primary meaning of a word Connotation: equated with sense and intension - secondary meanings and highlyculturalUNIT 5. Meaning RelationsWord association strength: The probability that one word is mentioned after another onein a word association test; the higher the probability, the stronger the association.Another proof of the connections among words is lexical priming (words are processedfaster when a related word has been shown before)Types of relations: Semantic, Associative, Thematic Associative relations are those that connect word forms to each other based onco-occurrence (e.g. Dog and Cat tend to co-occur in context) Semantic relations some words are related to other words because of an overlapin their meaning; these relations are synonymy, antonymy, hyponymyVista previadel documento.Mostrando 6 páginas de 14
Thematic relations: a temporal, spatial, causal, or functional relation betweenthings that perform complementary roles in the same scenario or eventHomonymy: Two or more words that sound the same but have different meanings andthey are not related.Polysemy: Same word with different meanings but they are related; the more frequent aword is, the more senses it tends to have (prepositions, verbs, etc. // in morphology, ingrammatical constructions or in intonation)Synonymy: Two words have the same meanings Total synonymy: does not exist as there are no exactly same meanings for wordsor expressions Partial synonymy: synonyms that are different either in formality or in syntagmaticrelations (e.g. quick and fast)Antonymy Canonical antonyms: antonymic pairs whose association has becomemaximally conventional and entrenched (e.g. slow-fast, good-bad, weak-strong,small-large) Non-canonical antonyms: opposed to each other in a context-dependent way,for example the antonym of white is black, but if we are talking about wine, theopposite is red Gradable: adjectives that point to a scale that can have intermediate values, oneterm of the pair is unmarked (neutral), while the other is marked (e.g. full-empty,fast-slow, old ‘unmarked’-young ‘marked’) Ungradable (or complementaries): they do not allow variations along a scale(e.g. dead-alive, pass-fail, identical-different) Converses (or reciprocals): relational terms, these antonyms signal arelationship between two entities and depending which side you want to highlight,you get one or the other (e.g. parent-child, teach-learn, doctor-patient) Reversives: words that describe a process of change between two states: theydescribe one direction or the other (e.g. dress-undress, create-destroy, pack-unpack)In the case of reversives, another sub-group can be easily formed with motionantonyms (e.g. ascend-descend, enter-exit, rise-fall, come-go, push-pull)Vista previadel documento.Mostrando 6 páginas de 14